PyBelfast Spring Meetup!


Date: Monday, April 24th, 2022 (2022-04-25)

Time: 6pm (1800)

Venue: Slice Offices, 14 Castle Street, Belfast (54.59909880408056 N, -5.93103321919092 W)

Registration: Sign up to the Meetup Event here

After an awesome turnout at our last meetup on Thursday, March 24th, 2022, we are excited to return with the PyBelfast meetup in what will soon become a return to a regular cadence of Python meetups again!

As always, we welcome returning and new speakers to come to give a talk of any duration (5 minutes to 30) on any Python-related subject.


Scream if you wanna go Fast(API)er

by Simon Hewitt (@tyndyll)

An introduction to FastAPI, a modern, high-performance web framework for building APIs with Python 3.6+ based on standard Python type hints.

SRE and the rise of the Platform Engineer

by Dan Murphy (@d_murph21)

Google has once again rewritten the rule book with SRE. As it finally gains momentum in Northern Ireland, I examine why it is such a revolution. The rise of Platform Engineering or PaaS has built upon SRE and DevOps culture to connect services in ways never thought possible. Let me take you through its history, and present and explore how it can help your business.

Django Girls Belfast

by Danielle from (@djangogirlsbel)

An insight into Django Girls Belfast and the work they do to help create a safe environment where women can explore technology.

Django Girls Belfast is trans-inclusive and welcome all women from all walks of life. Men are welcome to attend as well. We don't want men out of the IT industry, we want more women in it.

If you are a woman and between the ages of 18-100 you can apply for a pass to the workshop on the 18th of June 2022, in Puppet Belfast! You don’t need to know any technical stuff - it is a very informal day with coaches on hand to help assist.

Lightning Talks

If you wish to present a lightning talk, feel free to reach out via Meetup or using either @pybelfast on Twitter or Slack (We are on both the NITech and ITC slacks)

