
What is pyBelfast?

pyBelfast is a group of people who use Python in their work or personal programming projects and like to meet and talk about it.

When do you meet?

We try and meet bi-monthly however this varies. We keep a meetup page for definitive information.

Can anyone talk?

Yes we encourage people to talk. Drop by the slack channel and let us know, we are a very welcoming bunch.

You mentioned a slack channel?

Pop into the Irish Tech Slack user group and join the #pybelfast group. Just say 'hi!'.


Paddy Carey and Stephen McCullough are the organisers, you can find them on the slack channel.

About this site

This site was created by Stephen McCullough using Jekyll (if you don't like it then please change it). Pull Requests for improvements are encouraged and welcomed. You can see a list of issues if you want to tackle one.

