PyBelfast Returns!


Date: Tuesday March 24th, 2022 (2022-03-24)

Time: 6pm (1800)

Venue: Slice Offices, 14 Castle Street, Belfast (54.59909880408056 N, -5.93103321919092 W)

Registration: Sign up to the Meetup Event here

Finally, after a long hiatus, we are excited to announce that PyBelfast is back and ready to host our next Python meetup in Belfast at the Slice office space in the city center.

As always, we welcome returning and new speakers to come to give a talk of any duration (5 minutes to 30) on any Python-related subject.


Comic Books, Open Source, & GraphQL

by Kyle Harrison (@apoclyps)

Ever think to yourself that a better product or service must exist but you failed to find one? Solving a real problem with technology can often be time-consuming when you first have to go build it. Yet building an MVP in a weekend is an achievable goal when the focus is maintained on the core problem. In this talk, Kyle will explore a solution to how you too can enjoy your comic book collection using a mix of open-source tech and GraphQL.

Introduction to Geospatial Graph Networks with OSMNX

by Andrew Bolster (@bolster)

While we’re used to thinking of maps and charts as being two-dimensional representations of reality, an alternative approach is to view maps as a graph of vertices (locations) and edges (roads or paths). Using the osnmx library, we’re going to do a short introduction to acquiring, manipulating, analysing, and plotting this stranger perspective on the world around us.

May include lasers.

How (not) to lie with data visualisation

by Curtis Wilson

Human brains are hard-wired to derive insights from what we see. Whenever we make a graph or chart or infographic we are trying to trick this system into understanding much more abstract information than “that apple looks good to eat” or “that tiger thinks I look good to eat”. A little insight into how our sense of sight works can help us create visualisations that express the underlying data as accurately as possible (or not, as the case may be).

Lightning Talks

If you wish to present a lightning talk, feel free to reach out via Meetup or using either @pybelfast on Twitter or Slack (We are on both the NITech and ITC slacks)

